All-in-One Convertibles

Choose the Best Convertible Car Seats in Canada
Finding the best convertible car seats for your baby is often time-consuming, with so many options available, but we’re here to help you navigate this process with some detailed information about baby gear.
We offer comfortable car seats, ranging from infancy to booster, all-in-one convertible car seats, and travel systems to adapt to your child's changing needs.
From slim-fit car seats for small cars to steel-core convertibles, you can find everything with ease. What is the best seat to buy? Here are a few factors to consider:
The best convertible car seats start with your newborn in their first days of life and protect them well into childhood. Longevity matters, and that's why it's hard to beat our Diono® Radian® convertibles. They all come with the 10 Years, 1 Car Seat® design.
This all-in-one car safety solution comfortably accommodates children from 2 to 54kgs. Complete with a steel frame, our seats are tested to crash safety standards for daily use. The convertible car seat excels in product longevity and will serve you for years.
The best convertibles make no compromises over safety. Our backseat booster models, such as the Radian 3RXT SafePlus, set the standard for optimal safety.
The rear-facing position is one of many interesting features of this Radian seat. Its SafePlus rear-facing engineering ensures your children up to 23 kg. enjoy maximum protection throughout their ride.
You cannot select the best convertible car seat for your family without paying attention to durability. Our seats are designed to handle the rigors of daily use. We offer a number of highly durable convertibles in the Radian Series.
The Radian 3RXT SafePlus is highly-rated in terms of durability, all thanks to its innovative mechanical engineering and heavy-duty steel core construction which is featured in all Radian models.
The research-driven design and high-quality steel provide superior protection for your children and give you additional peace of mind. It also comes with side impact protection, making it an even more attractive choice for parents.
Frequently Asked Questions about All-in-One Convertibles
Diono makes it simple for you to learn everything about all-in-one convertibles to make the best choice in seats for your children. We encourage you to contact us for personalized assistance, in the meantime, we have compiled a list of FAQs to help you get started.
Your child's size and body weight have a role to play here, so don't decide on age alone. Typically, once the child is over 13.6kg. and at least 75cm, they are switched out of an infant seat and into a convertible. Diono allows children as small as 2.3kg to fit rear-facing in a convertible, which allows parents to save on transitioning from infant car seats.
Convertible car seats are important because they join your family when you have an infant and stay with you well beyond your little one's childhood years. Therefore, considering their extended lifespan, they offer a great value.
Convertibles are a safe option because they allow for extended rear-facing use, which is the recommended position for optimal protection. Moreover, these seats are quite portable, maybe not as much as infant seats, but they still prevent you from switching seats as your child grows.
It is also worth getting an all-in-one convertible because it has a higher weight limit and is versatile enough to easily transition from rear-facing to forward-facing. Depending on your chosen brand, some of these can also be converted to booster seats. Lucky for you, Diono goes from rear-facing to forward-facing, then to booster mode.
A convertible car seat is known for its versatility because it allows multiple mode usage. It means you can use it in forward-facing and rear-facing positions, depending on your child's age. In most cases, you can use it when your child is around 2-3 kg. and continue with it until they are about 30 kg. Diono convertibles can be used from 2.2 kg. to 54 kg. offering some of the longest use.
These seats also have adjustable harness heights, headrests, and recline positions. You may also find additional safety features, like a five-point harness system offering side-impact protection. They are also installed in your car, without a detachable base, making them different from infant car seats.
Both convertibles and all-in-one convertibles offer a versatile way to protect your growing child while on the road.
A convertible car seat can transition from rear-facing to forward-facing positions but often provides extended rear-facing features, usually up to 23 kg. However, all-in-one seats, often called 3-in-1, are more durable and versatile. They start as rear-facing seats, which can be converted into forward-facing seats and converted into booster seats when needed.
An all-in-one car seat may have a higher upfront cost but becomes more affordable down the road, as you can use it until your child is around 10 years old. Their potential cost savings and extended usability make them attractive to parents.
Questions about All-in-One Convertibles? Diono is Here to Help
Are you finding it difficult to select the best all-in-one convertible in Canada? All of the options in our store are great choices, both functional and safe.
We are committed to providing well-designed car seats that keep your child protected no matter what. It is also easy to decide on the right car seat for your child by connecting with our friendly team.
From selecting the right model to installing it, Diono will help you every step of the way. We also encourage you to explore our range of online resources, including installation help, product guides, blogs, and FAQs.
Contact us now to select the best convertible for your child!